Sabbath School

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Quarter 1 

These posts will consist of my reflections on the Sabbath School lesson each week. I have never completed a Sabbath School Quarterly so for 2023 I’m challenging myself to do it. The past several years I’ve read even less because I haven’t been going to church (another goal of mine which I’ll talk about in this blog). When I went to church in the past (although not often) it did bring a sense of accountability.  It was not uncommon for the group to be asked ‘Did you study the lesson?’ Besides accountability, I found that I got more from the study if I had studied beforehand. See how the pre-reading before a university lecture gives a head start and doing homework for school reinforces learning it’s the same principle. Another benefit is the variety and amount of scripture referred to. It will serve as another channel by which I’m directed to read Scripture among others including:

Daughters of the King Daily Devotionals

Bible Gateway Devotionals

UCB Word for Today

Writing this blog holds me accountable to God, myself, and also to whoever is reading this. Hope you’ll stick around to see me complete this challenge. Maybe you’d like to join me? Access all Sabbath School lessons online here or on the app via the Adventech website. If you prefer to have a physical version and are in the UK buy here. Living in the USA or Canada? Visit Adventist Book Center. Wherever you are in the world find your nearest SDA church to access a copy and maybe even join a Sabbath School.

I’ll be studying from the standard adult version mainly and the young adult (18-35+) quarterly aimed at young adults (18-35+). Generally, The Inverse (previously Collegiate) quarterly covers the same topics as the adult quarterly. Bible verses will be taken from the King James Version unless stated otherwise.   

If you’re not familiar with, what Sabbath School is, it is what you may have gathered from the words – the Sabbath-keeping equivalent of Sunday School. My Sabbath School lessons are from the Seventh-Day Adventist (SDA) church. Seventh-Day Adventists are a Sabbath-keeping denomination who worship on Saturday the seventh day of the week in observance of God’s command:

‘Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. Six days you shall labour and do all your work, but the seventh day is a Sabbath to the Lord your God. On it you shall not do any work, neither you, nor your son or daughter, nor your male or female servant, nor your animals, nor any foreigner residing in your towns. For in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, but He rested on the seventh day. Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy.

Exodus 20:8-11, NIV

The Sabbath day starts at sunset Friday ending sunset Saturday.

The study for this first quarter of 2023 is Managing for the Master: Until He Comes. Every Christian looking forward to the Second Coming of Jesus Christ has to do just that ‘managing’. Managing can be seen to mean working for God – doing what He has called us to do. How do we steward our time and resources? Managing can also refer to how we get through. Are we merely coping? How are we dealing with all the challenges that come and will come our way during these end times? Managing
until He comes encapsulates the time element. We don’t know when it will be, but what we do know is that glorious day is soon and approaching fast.  Frequent worldwide calamities we see in the news every day are those labour pains mentioned in Matthew 24:7. Ever felt impatient and fed up?  I surely have and often wonder how much longer until Jesus comes.  

It will be interesting, to find out what this quarterly has in store, especially with how I’ve been feeling. Thinking back to March 2020 at the start of lockdown I was late to work on the first day of lockdown due to reduced public transport services. What time do you call this? One of our clients asked. ‘End times.’ I replied. He laughed. Seriously though we’re living in the end times. Bible studies on this topic are crucial to our preparation for the Lord’s imminent coming. 

Lord, I thank you for the writers, editors, and illustrators who have provided us with this material from which we can study to learn more about You and Your will for us. Instruct and guide everyone who comes across this page wherever there may be on their walk with You. As we study each week teach us through Your Holy Spirit. May we be not only hearers of the Word but also doers. In Jesus’ name. Amen.