Friday 13 January: Further Thought  

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‘When [God’s people] acknowledged the claims of God and complied with His requirements…. their barns were filled with plenty. But when they robbed God in tithes and in offerings they were made to realize that they were not only robbing Him but themselves, for He limited His blessings to them just in proportion as they limited their offerings to Him.’ (Ellen G. White, Testimonies for the Church, vol.3, p. 395) 

Father Abraham found we are saved by faith made possible because of God’s grace not earned through our works. Works are a response to God’s grace. (Romans 4:1-4)  

Answers to Discussion Questions  

  1. What am I doing, in terms of tithes and offerings to help the church spread the message as it has been called to do? This is a question I will continue to ask myself because the answer is I should be doing more.  
  1. To keep the questions of works and obedience such as tithing and good stewardship before us without falling into the trap of legalism we must remember our works are a response to God’s grace. We are saved by grace, not our works. However, faith without works is dead (James 2:26)  
  1. In response to the question at the end of Tuesday’s study, I wrote: We learn to trust God and in His promises during hard financial times even while we are seeking to be faithful, the barns and vats are not full by:   
    • Meditating on God’s promises to provide for us so that we operate in faith not by what we currently see.
    • Remembering all the times God has provided in the past.
    • Exercising faith in our actions no matter how we feel and how difficult it may be.

When we do these things we are seeking God first and He promises us all things will be added onto us.