Monday 9 January: To Hearken Diligently
Deuteronomy is called ‘The Book of Remembrance’ containing Moses’ recollections of past events. Moses’ writings teach the second generation of Israelites who had survived the forty years of wilderness wandering of the law. The second generation is reminded of God’s commands: the Ten Commandments and tithing.
A: Many blessings are promised to the people in Deuteronomy 28:1-14. To receive them and prosper greatly they must fully obey God by following all of His commands. Then He will defeat their enemies. The Lord our God will establish us ‘as His holy people’ with access to abundant blessings. The people are:
- ‘Lenders not borrowers’,
- ‘Head not the tail’,
- ‘At the top, never the bottom’.
At verse 14 God commands ‘And thou shalt not go aside from any of the words which I command thee this day, to the right hand, or to the left, to go after gods to serve them.’
Deuteronomy 30:11-14 – What God commanded is not too difficult nor unobtainable to ourselves. Rather God’s commands are in our mouth and in our heart. In other words, we speak of God’s commands and cherish them so that they rule every part of our lives. David said he hid God’s word in his heart so that he might not sin against God. (Psalm 119:11)
Deuteronomy 28:15-68 contains all the curses to come up upon the people if they disobey God’s commands. The livelihood of the people will be cursed; land, produce, future generations everything they put their hands to will be cursed. Incurable diseases, bodily defects, harsh weather conditions, and oppression. The absence of God’s protection leaves them powerless in the face of enemies with no reward for their labour. Polar opposite of every blessing is described in verses 1-14 followed by death.
A: To ‘hearken diligently’ to what God tells us to do means for us today that we do all God commands us to do. Diligence requires practicing obedience and accepting correction when we’re wrong so that we completely respect God’s authority over us.